Well, what's new this issue. So far, apart from the latest virus scares, not a lot. I've been consolidating and using all the software I spoke about in previous articles.
One new piece of software I downloaded is Audio Galaxy. As you all probably know from the media coverage, Napster is having a hard time of it. The courts have upheld most of the Recording Industry's gripes about Napster and have forced it to block all songs that they have been informed about. This, of course, has put an extremely heavy burden on them and they have blacked entire swathes of mp3 files. Entering a name like Robert Plant for instance will give an immediate 'no files found' reply. Entering simply Plant will get you some files... but not a lot. Surprisingly enough, users have left Napster in droves. Others have hung on and are using CatNap which allows users of CatNap to encrypt their mp3 filenames and only other CatNap users to be able to decipher them. CatNap has been banned by Napster and another common practise of using 'pig Latin' has also led to folk being banned from Napster. So back to that repository of many a piece of software, CNet!!
Looking for Napster on it, will not only lead you to a Napster download but as it tells you, another 77 files. Some of these are Napster associated programs but you can get the idea. There are more ways than Napster to get a hold of rare songs that aren't available on disk any more.
So, after that long-winded piece, onto Audio Galaxy.
This is a type of Napster program. It only allows mp3 sharing and isn't for any other types of file like Navigator etc. that also do exe's, avi's and many other types. The interface is Web based as seen in the pic, and uses what it calls a satellite. The satellite displays what is actually happening, the web-based part logs your details and files and allows you to set up a list of requested files. Downloading and installing the program is, as usual, very easy. However, it is important to note the following! This program also downloads and installs webHancer!!! webHancer is a spy program, in that it sends a file report back to its Headquarters of your web usage and the sites that you visit. You can NOT avoid installing this if you want Audio Galaxy!!! At installation, you can also decide if you want Gator as well. This manages your passwords for sites online and some people might find this useful. I didn't, and decided against installing it. I did have to put up with webHancer though. If, like me, you are wary of any information that is sent about you, you can always block webHancer by not allowing it past your Firewall (remember ZoneAlarm?).
Once you have set up your account in Galaxy, you tell it the directories you want to share and where to put your downloads, much in the same manner as Napster. Now you can start it and a small box appears with the message that it is checking the proxy and you can then press the 'Go' button.
This will take you to the browser where it logs into your account and displays the files you have and a search.
It's now a simple matter of looking for the songs that you want and choosing a version of them. Once you have done this, Galaxy sets up connections to the file(s) requested and starts downloading them. A very nice point if you have ever used Napster and had a transfer error, is how Galaxy deals with it. If the user you are downloading from goes offline, it moves to the next available version of the song and RESUMES where it left off in other words, no more transfer errors!! If the song is only available from a small number of people and none are online, it moves to your next request and will resume the song the next time it finds it online, incredible.
This is like a dream come true for some of us and I heartily recommend this program. As I say, if you re afraid of the likes of webHancer, simply block it! I wouldn't just delete it as people have reported problems when they don't un-install it properly. If you feel you must get rid of it, go the webHancer site and read how to do it. Galaxy isn't as fast as Napster, but its benefits far outweigh this and by adjusting the bandwidth throttle in the preferences (options), you can make sure you can do other things while it is online. If you want to continue looking and downloading mp3 files from the Internet, this as good as it gets. Besides, as it's so good, I'm afraid that this will quickly follow Napster in getting tied up in Court. Better be quick!!